The Latest in Books from William Allen
Confessions of a Sensitive Man
In many ways, this book was written by my older self for my younger self. It is with that hope that I offer this book to younger highly sensitive boys and men. In some ways, it is the campfire book where the older man, the storyteller, tells illustrative and instructive stories about life to the younger men gathered about the crackling fire. It is about the accumulated experience that life rolls out to each of us, where the only evidence is the memory deep within. There is value in that.
William Allen
William Allen

On Being a Sensitive Man - NEW!
On Being a Sensitive Man is the follow-up companion volume to Confessions of a Sensitive Man. It was written to provide strategies and tools for highly sensitive men to help them navigate their lives. The book discusses correct mindset, how to expand the comfort zone, dealing with change and strong emotions, right livelihood, calm the mind, and move towards self-acceptance. The book concludes with how highly sensitive men can be an impactful force in helping to change the role men can play in a troubled and complex world. Foreword by Dr. Tracy Cooper, Ph.D. Click here.
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