A Blog about Sensory Processing Sensitivity from the Worldview of a High Sensing Male
In the early seventies, when I was in college, a group of my friends and myself decided to signup for Transcendental Meditation training. It all seemed so cool and trendy to learn meditation. There was a student meditation society that trained us in the meditation technique that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had taught the Beatles. Later on, that same group became part of the Maharishi University based in Iowa. One of the intriguing ideas they suggested was that Maharishi had said that it only would take about one percent of a target population to meditate on topics like peace and affect change. For example, the target population (a city) would note a decrease in violent crime. Later, it was changed to become the square root of one percent, but the point was that a small group of people with focused intent could change the world. I never forgot that. Over the past few years, I have stated that HSPs can have that same effect – The Maharishi Effect, if you will. We are a small number of people worldwide by percentages, but still, our numbers are significant. Dr. Aron has stated, as have other researchers, that the HSP characteristic is an evolutionary adaptation to aid the larger population of humans. The fact that the size of our community is small is also scientifically significant and makes are role to humanity clear. There has never been a time in human history when we need HSPs more to take on advisory and leadership roles to keep self-destructive human behaviors from destroying our species. I believe one of the drivers for this behavior is the long-held attachment to toxic masculinity. As I have stated before, masculinity is largely a cultural construct. Yet there is a form of masculinity that many men have adopted to represent their manhood that is toxic not only to women and children but also to men themselves. It is restrictive, non-inclusive, and goes against many fundamental human behaviors. HSP men can take a role in reshaping the distortion of masculinity by modeling behaviors that seem natural to us: empathy, emotional expressiveness, nurturing, intuition, and deep, careful thought. In effect, we can be role models for a new definition of what men can become. I have a three-pronged approach that I believe most HSP men can adopt to keep it simple. Become Knowledgeable About the Trait of Sensitivity First, we need to ensure that HSPs and particularly HSP men become more knowledgeable about the trait of sensitivity. Knowledge and understanding lead to acceptance. Many HSP men are reluctant to admit that they are sensitive. They have bought into or have been indoctrinated into the traditional male role model and feel that accepting sensitivity is a weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. We should focus on several items, which I think paint the trait more positively. One, look to the trait's origin as part of the Environmental Sensitivity Theory, which describes an organism's interaction and reaction to its environment. This leads to the idea that sensitivity is a basic human quality and falls on a spectrum from low to high. The adaptation characteristics fall across the human population. The high end is where the HSP community is found. Being sensitive is normal. Two, understanding the traits of high sensitivity, following the D.O.E.S. model that Dr. Aron has proposed. Some of the four characteristics (O & E) are external manifestations of the other largely internal characteristics (D & S). For example, deep processing and sensory acuity often contribute to emotional reactivity and overwhelm. These traits do not make you a freak or less of a man. Three, know that the HSP trait is evolutionary and is designed by nature. It is a safeguard to the species and is necessary. That makes you essential. Let that sink in. Finally, think of this trait as a human specialization. That makes you a specialist human. You're different, yes, but you were designed that way. So, learn and grow into the trait. Know the sources where you can learn more about the trait. Google high sensitivity, and you will find many sites to learn more. Stay with the reputable ones. Dr. Aron's would be a good place to start www.hsperson.com . In addition, you can join social media groups such as Facebook to learn and share with other HSPs and search for highly sensitive terms. Understand the traits' positives and challenges, realize what challenges are most vexing to you, and learn to ameliorate them or modulate them. Most of this might be simply learning how to regulate your emotions or calm your mind during overwhelm. Finally, see the trait as a gift, it may be a stretch at first, but with open eyes, you will see it eventually. Embrace and Be Proud of Who You Are Once you have learned the qualities, challenges, and gifts of the trait, begin reevaluating your life through your new knowledge and the prism of high sensitivity. When you understand the difficulties you experience are shared by millions of people worldwide, the feelings of isolation you may have had begin to dissipate. Be proud of who you are, part of an elite corps of individuals with purpose, meaning, and mission. Walk with confidence as a sensitive person, no matter what you call it or how you describe it to others. Remember the DOES model to aid you in being clear, accurate, and concise. No need to apologize, nor should you. Act by Modeling the Trait to Other Men and Boys I believe that all sensitive people have the capacity to affect change in the world, either small and local or large and global. So you can start now impacting the lives of all the people you contact, especially other HSPs, HSP children, young adults, and other men who may not be HSPs. Model the qualities you inherently know that are positive: kindness, compassion, empathy, nurturance, and intuitive thinking. Let your empathy be your compass; let your inner knowledge and intuition be your guide. You can impact the places you are at - work, your community, your family, your spiritual community, your friends, and your neighbors. We don't have to carry banners, protest, march or even organize. We can do this the HSP way, quietly, shifting minds with our actions and creativity. How HSP Men Can Change the World One major way HSP men can affect the world is by helping redefine how masculinity looks, feels, and acts. Begin discussing with other males and, when appropriate, the need for change, especially in how we behave like men. Show other men how emotional expression and sensitivity can be cathartic and useful tools in everyday life. Be the trail guide many men are looking for, especially younger men. You've walked the path before them; share your experience and knowledge with them. You don't need a PH.D. to do that. It is a time-honored tradition, the wisdom of the tribe you are sharing. And most of all, model the behaviors that are natural and easy for you more often than not. Lasting impactful change often takes years to manifest. Be patient; chip away like ocean water against the rocks. Understand that change is already occurring. Embrace the younger generations that are already cutting the path for this change. The shift will most impact them that many of them see as needed. Remember that we are all in this together, men, women, and children, HSP and non-HSP. The world is at a critical juncture right now. To course-correct for the massive ship of humanity is an enormous effort. Our children and grandchildren are counting on our counsel and support. Be an early adopter of the new man. You may be the prototype. Please comment with your thoughts.
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AuthorBill Allen currently lives in Bend, Oregon. He is a certified hypnotist and brain training coach , author and advocate for HSP Men. He believes that male sensitivity is not so rare, but it can be confounding for most males living in a culture of masculine insensitivity which teaches boys and men to disconnect from their feelings and emotions. His intent is to use this blog to chronicle his personal journey and share with others. Archives
January 2025